15 Sep

Week 1 Workshop Follow Up

Hello everyone!

First, an important meeting update: all our subsequent meetings will be held in Vilas 5011.

Thanks to everyone who attended the Computational Methods Research Group today. Resources from our workshop are available through this link (all our workshops this year will be available here: https://uwmadison.box.com/v/computational1819).

To practice these skills, I recommend the fourth chapter of the textbook R for Data Science, which can be found here: http://r4ds.had.co.nz/workflow-basics.html . This was my first R textbook and is great for learning important basics in both data science methodology and R.

Next week, we will be going over MediaCloud, an open-source media “archive” (it includes news outlets from many countries). This archive can be accessed via a website or Python (we will teach both). The workshop will be between an hour and an hour and a half. I strongly encourage attending both this workshop and the October 5th’s rvest (web scraping) workshop, as we will be scraping (or collecting) MediaCloud content. It may also be a good opportunity for you to scrape new data you are interested in.

Looking forward to a great semester!
