Updated Spring 2019 Schedule
Date | Topic | Tools |
Feb 1 | Text Analysis II – quanteda | quanteda (R) |
Feb 8 | CANCELLED (Flooding) | |
Feb 15 | Reporting Results – LaTeX | LateX |
Feb 22 | Intro to Python, Syntax and Data Structures | pandas (Python) |
Mar 1 | Unsupervised ML – LDA Topic Modeling | topicmodels (R) |
Mar 8 | Crossroads – No Meeting | |
March 15 | No Meeting | |
March 22 | Spring Break – No Meeting | |
March 29 | Unsupervised ML – Structural Topic Modeling | stm (R) |
April 5 | Network Analysis | igraph, ggnet (R) |
April 12 | No Meeting | |
April 19 | Advanced NLP | cleanNLP |
April 26 | BigQuery | |
May 3 | Machine Learning | caret (R), Python library |